SUMMER 2001 ------- Start of planning the Nottingham tram extensions. First round of public consultations.
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2002 ------- Second round of public consultations.
APRIL/MAY 2002 ------- Publication of cost-benefit analyses of extension route options, and City/County Council choice to pursue Beeston-Chilwell and Clifton-Wilford routes .
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 ------- Third round of public consultations, mostly confined to residents/businesses within 100 metres of proposed tram track, and stakeholders.
OCTOBER 2006 ------- Favourable decision by the Department for Transport on the availability of government funding of 75% of capital cost(Annexe E).
FEBRUARY 2007 ------- County Council votes in favour of the Phase II tram extensions.
MARCH 2007 ------- City Council votes in favour of the Phase II tram extensions.
APRIL 2007 ------- Application by the City and County Councils to the Secretary of State for Transport for an Order under the Transport and Works Act 1992 (TWA).
APRIL-JUNE 2007 ------- Copies of TWA application available for public inspection at public libraries, public offices and on the NET website. Six weeks for public written comments.
NOVEMBER 2007 ------- Public Inquiry on Phase II chaired by an officer of Her Majesty's Planning Inspectorate.
END 2008 --------- Decision by Secretary of State for Transport on Councils' TWA Order application. Competitive tendering to select contractors spread throughout 2009.
START 2010 ------------ Planned start of construction of Phase II lines.
SUMMER 2012 ----------- Trial running of trams starts on Phase II.
EARLY 2013 --------- Phase II lines will open for public service.